Hrm. Green card is like, permanant residency though! It's not like, "here on a work visa" or "here on a travel visa" or "here totally illegal-like."
Yeah, one of my cases is all about immigration weirdness. Suffice it to say almost no one save a few immigration lawyers know all the statuses-- big problems when you deal with government officials.
Suffice it to say almost no one save a few immigration lawyers know all the statuses-- big problems when you deal with government officials.
Very, very true.
t holds Tom's work-provided high powered immigration lawyers close
Yeah, I thought it was weird, but maybe because of the criminal charges? She was fuh-reaking out, in any case.
I would dread habing to deal with INS or ICE or whatever. I'm sure there are nice, helpful people in it, but I've rarely had a pleasent interaction (courtesy of where I grew up.)
People are taking nutritional advice from the lady who eats popcorn for dinner?
Hey, I never claimed to be giving nutritional advice.
Candy corn for dinner for grownups is OK?!
I call that dispensing advice.
It's not
advice, it's stick-it-to-the-Man advice.
Popcorn is nutritious, right? Candy corn,
::chews some more::
not as much.
Anyway, I heard popcorn is nutritious from Good Eats, so it must be right.
Crime makes you stupid: [link]
The dumbest bank robbery I ever heard of was when somebody wrote the note on a pre-printed deposit slip.
But that was pretty close.
I know those sandwiches are good, but, dag, people!
Crime makes you stupid: [link]
I had to think about that one a bit. As in, "Wait, were they really
stupid? Huh - I guess so..."