Have no idea if the hobbit thing is true, but one thing I do know, is not to trust the BBC News Science section. E.g.: [link]
How lawyerly of you. Going to the credibility of the expert witness. Oh, I see your game, bon. Mmmmhmmm.
As for the hobbits, the original discovery was made in 2004 and it's been hotly debated ever since with some arguing that it's really a dwarf with microencephaly. But the new tests indicate that is not so.
is not to trust the BBC News Science section. E.g.: [link]
I should totally go work there! as one of my favorite hobbies is making up science shit....
Allyson was talking about
World War Z
Which is sittling wiating for me to start reading. and it is in a comic
Candy for dinner is NOT GROWN-UP!
It totally is!! Kids aren't
to have candy for dinner! Only grownups can do that!
It totally is!! Kids aren't allowed to have candy for dinner! Only grownups can do that!
I think Jesse just frickin' outlawyered us all.
Well done!
I think Jesse just frickin' outlawyered us all. Well done!
Well played, Cowgirl. Well played.
Pwned by the girl in the curly hat.
Thanks for the sentiments. Well, survived the day so far. No new news from home, so I'm going to go to krav and pretend I'm not a wreck. Which I kinda was before hearing this...
I have to leave the house. And stop thinking.
Flea, when I got a speeding ticket (14 miles over), at the initial appearance they were basically offering standard no lo pleas for specific dollar/points amounts. Then at that point you could choose to go with that or schedule to fight it if you wanted. The plea offers were based on miles over the limit - IIRC, for mine, they left the fine the same but dropped the charge to defective speedometer and no points.
There are people who say you should always fight a ticket because the officer likely won't show up. I don't know that I think it's worth the risk or the bother if you have an alternative like the above. Do you know anyone locally who might be able to tell you if that's the kind of thing they do there?
People are taking nutritional advice from the lady who eats popcorn for dinner?
A friend got a similar ticket in VA, which is notorious for being bad-assed. It carried with it an actual criminal charge, I think. And since she's here on a greencard, and has various other immigration weirdness, she got a lawyer. I should ask her how it went, since she's still got her license and obviously is not in jail...