Turns out now she wants me to train several people all by myself tomorrow morning.
Keep in mind that I've never trained anyone on the site before, and haven't even been here 4 months.
Ohdear. But okay. Deep breaths.
I like the doughnut suggestion. Mmm, doughnuts.
I'm happy to offer basic suggestions, if you want, though I'm sure you know how to organize information.
Hope-it's-nothing-serious~ma for your father, ita.
Donuts are good, shrift. They won't even mind if you throw dry marker board erasers at them. At least, my students didn't. But then, I could flunk them if they objected.
I've got a little bit of dark chocolate and a banana. Will this be enough to stave off complete boredom before the end of the day?
These are the questions that trouble the American worker.
Update: the chocolate is gone.
Chocolate-less hours stretch before me...
Review went good, squee. I still have a job and we're getting raises!
"Was the moon landing a fake?"
"Amelia Earhart, still alive?"
"Nessie and Amelia Earhart alive, in love and living on the moon?"
"Uh-huh. Oops."
flea, I'm coming in late, but S. got picked up a few years back for going 25 over the limit. He did have to appear in court, but as soon as he got there the DA offered to drop the charge to 15 over (and thus no chance of suspension) in exchange for pleading guilty. It still sucked, of course, but NC is pretty willing to deal. Either you or mr flea are welcome to email if you have any questions.
And to repeat, sucks.
Review went good, squee. I still have a job and we're getting raises!
Well done, oh bon!
Hope you're getting some "it was nothing serious" news soon, ita.
ita, I hope everything will be okay with your dad.
In house news, today was all business. The bank, the mortgage broker, the lawyer, and the inspection. I am exhausted.
ETA: Yay for the raise, bon!!