Why does Monday have to happen?
An excellent question, and one I want answered.
t /demandypants
Hello all. I've been commenting on essays again all morning, and I think my brain has turned to jelly. Is jellified a word? if it isn't, it should be. My brain has jellified. And not even a good jelly--it has cheap imitation raspberry jellified.
bon, I've never had that happen. Weird.
bon bon, that's new. I've never had anything like that happen. Maybe your cookies are expiring or something?
Maybe make sure you didn't actually get changed over to a Sponsored account rather than a Free or Paid one?
The sex ads thing is bizarre, though. I would have thought they'd have better sense.
The ads are popping up when I am on the front page without logging in, so I am guessing they now have a default ads? (Not going to have my work computer "remember me.") The ad was for a sex toy party, I should say, not an orgy. I think there were two guys and a plane. Because the second thing I need after my NetJets subscription...
No idea why they keep asking me to set my ad preferences. When I'm logged in my account is listed as Basic.
ETA: it's a New York Classified ad. So it's whatever people are listing on NY Classifieds, i.e., here: [link] Sex parties are apparent as you scroll down (that link is SFW).
ETA2: I sent them feedback on the ads-- twice.
I fear this is some sort of LJ cancer, bon.
I fear this is some sort of LJ cancer, bon.
I think I have the kind of cancer that sends LJ contradictory messages about my ad preferences. It's a growing public health concern.
I have a kind of similar but not really problem with LJ. I changed my password a while back after getting a "You chould really change your password" message from the LJ PTB, but I still get the "You should really change your password" message for some reason. My account info is correct and if I logout and log back in with the new password it works, so I don't know what's going on. It seems like it might be the same glitch.