shrift, your doing nothing all weekend sounds like a whole damn lot to me.
I did manage to do two loads of laundry, and then -- this is what makes me feel all totally accomplished and shit -- I scampered down to the Embarcadero last night in time to hug Anne W. before her return to St. Louis! Which was a whole huge exhausting to-do, because I thought I wouldn't be able to meet up with her, then Hec's jumbled schedule un-jumbled mine and I realized I would after all, except I couldn't reach Anne or deb or Suzi or beth or her DH, and I had to call Lee and ask her to call people and try to figure out where they were and if I could get there.
But I did, and all was well. Anne continues to look amazing in her longish slightly angled bob and was totally sweet (if a teeny bit nervous) with Matilda -- she used the same hold on Matilda she does on her cats, and it turned out, since Matilda is also a small mammal, just fine. Matilda stared and stared at Anne's glamourous face quite a bit (until she got distracted by some twinkly fairy lights outside and then fell asleep). Beth's DH took many, many pictures, and possibly he or beth can be prodded into posting them.
Also, deb pressed a very yum fried artichoke heart on me, and then Anne pressed some highly yum pesto pasta on me, and I went home all sated and ready to deplete myself at the next feed.
Which didn't happen until 1:30 a.m.! Go team sleeping baby!
Off now to work. Actual, worky, all day work. Bleh.