says that Gonzo also have extremely pretty skin and made her knees all wobbly
...Am I the only one who thought she meant the Gonzo from the Muppets? Okay.
I am having bad shoulder/back pain -- that muscle behind the shoulder blade -- despite having done nothing at all to provoke my body all weekend long. Why does my company not have a masseur on staff? I think it's just a pulled muscle, but, I'd like my aches to be the results of, like, climbing the facade of a building or something, you know?
Why do people back into parking spaces when it is very clear they suck at backing into parking spaces?
Why can't I get anything resembling an answer about a broken piece of software?
Why does Monday have to happen?
Recorded and watching during a down spell. Although I'm having a migraine, and the match is so cool that relaxation is hard.
I know! I was watching it last night, and I was hopping around like crazy even though
I already knew who won.
Why does Monday have to happen?
It's a yin/yang thing. Just as you can't know happiness without sadness, you cannot experience the weekend without there being a Monday...
Wait a minute - that just sounds too convenient. It must really be a plot by some evildoers....
What a weekend. Hubby had a doctor's appointment on Friday, wherein he told his doctor all the stuff that's going weird with all his drugs. Doc listened to everything and suggested an MRI of Hubby's brain just to make sure that what's caused the damage to his heart isn't doing anything to his brain. MRIs cost a lot (I wonder why no one ever quibbles about the bills on "House"?) but we went with it. Managed to get one scheduled for 7 AM the following Saturday.
So, off to the MRI, while I slept in the waiting room. We'll know eventually how that went.
Everything went fairly well the rest of the weekend, until last night, when our furnace decided to go on the fritz. Yes, that's the landlord's job, but I bet we'll still have to put up the money first thing then take it out of the rent. I wonder how much furnace people charge during January.
I feel like I did nothing this weekend. I marathoned 12 episodes of
Heroes (love!),
made potato leek soup (yum!), did two loads of laundry, and then watched the men's final of the Australian Open. And slept a whole bunch.
I wonder how much furnace people charge during January.
It might be cheaper to just convert cash to Canadian dollars and burn those for warmth.
There's some Latino chef on Food Network named Alex, isn't there? Not Aaron Sanchez, who was the first person who came to my mind.
Ugh, Connie. I hope the furnace fix and the MRI aren't super expensive.
Why does Monday have to happen?
Because people keep believing in them?
made potato leek soup
This is my FAVORITE soup. Considering it's 20 degrees outside, I may pick up some leeks from the store and make some today.