Oy. I can't work out if it's worth taking anti-nausea medication if I'm not nauseated. I do think I might toss my cookies, but nsm with what I've come to think of as nausea.
At the core the stuff must work against reverse peristalsis, right?
Ah, fuck it. Can't hurt.
It's kinda been a suckass week. A suckass week with a couple cool revelations, but not enough to turn it around.
Tonight's migraine assault will involve Lidoderm, more Skelaxin, Vicodin, anti-nausea, and maybe another Imitrex. On top of the Neurontin, Cymbalta, and Elavil I was already taking.
And melatonin which doesn't seem to have made a difference to the migraines, but I'm slowly stairstepping the dosage. Tonight we go up.
I hope the coming up week is better, all the way around. it's way past time for it to be.
I'm getting dizzy just reading the list of drugs, ita. Hope they do some kind of good, somehow.
Huh. I just found an incomplete page on Wikipedia. I needed to add to the ketoprofen page to add that it's available in the UK under the brand name Ketoflam. Precious few pages mention the UK name in conjunction with either of the US brand names, Oruvail or Orudis.
Okay, enough talk about painkillers.
Thanks, guys. I'm off to kill some pain.
Finished watching the Open. That sure was some tennis.
I've been an official election observer in Mexico.
You've totally got to use that. That's so cool!
I'm beginning to wonder if the new duvet I got for Christmas isn't setting off an allergic sinus reaction, since I seem to be waking up each morning with a nasty headache. Feh.
Also Feh: I have to leave early (like right about now) to take my car to the dealership to get the tire replaced. And then go off to Physical Therapy before I go to work. So double-feh.
Anthony Bourdain critiques the Top Chef contestants.
As much as I hate to admit it, that was pretty much spot on.
ION, the first week of classes is over, which is a relief. But my new computer at work ate a bunch of my files and my internet at home has been spotty at best, which sucks.