And God, St. John is just as sanctimonious as ever, isn't he?
Yeah-up. I hated that section of the book. Wanted to slap him silly.
And the only thing I can really complain about this version is Rochester not seeing his son's eyes. Or Jane's jewelry. There was a really fantastic flashback that just...ummm. It was sexy. Maybe not in the text, but um.
Tracing the neckline of Jane's dress. And her face. But mostly the dress part.
And um. I'd buy the DVD?
Mom did mostly volunteer stuff while dad was post-doc-ing. Stuff like LWV, women's prison education, nursing, handicap-kid fostering (more like going into group homes for kids who'd been abandoned: Sunshine house in MA.) There was shock that she was doing anything.
And while it seems so strange and novel now, it really does horrify me. I'm glad she had the opportunity to do those things, she really enjoyed them. But that it was considered daring despite it having no paycheck? Is freaky.
I can't imagine it.
So far in the Men's final I can say with authority that Federer has prettier hair. No verdict on the rest yet.
There was a really fantastic flashback that just...ummm. It was sexy.
God, yes. That was a great bit.
So far in the Men's final I can say with authority that Federer has prettier hair. No verdict on the rest yet.
They're only just showing it there? Or did you record it to watch at a sane hour?
Brenda, you've traveled a lot, right? Something in there should work.
God, yes. That was a great bit.
Holy hell yeah. Thank god I'm not the only one just wibbling over that. I can't emphasize that enough. I think I squeaked. Despite seeing it in preview earlier.
I've seen two other versions of JE, and I think I like this one best. But it's been a while since I've seen the others. This Jane I thought awfully pretty, but unconventionally so, and I was able to give her pass on that.
God, yes. That was a great bit.
Oh my, yes. And Toby Stephens has a dedicated new fan here.
My only quibble is the ending. That was a bit ... impossibly fairy tale for me, especially since the book ends in a perfectly lovely way as it is. I got they were tying it in to her childhood, but although I think the book did emphasize Jane's sadness at her lack of a family, it wasn't the whole point to me. So that bugged.
Hmm. I've been an official election observer in Mexico. And I've been a lot of places.
Okay, I should be able to get this together. It's hard because I am so new, you know? There's so much (internal) pressure to make an impression, and at the same time people don't know me so they don't know that I'm not..., I don't know. I want things to be interesting but I don't want to be all, oh, I'm so cool...also, I maybe need to get over some of this self-deprecating shit.
Is this JE replaying?
Also, they changed the ending? How so?