My parents still have a bar installed in their bedroom door for exercises my mother had to do for a rotator cuff thing several years ago. It's awfully handy for hanging clothes on!
I'm outgrowing too fucking much of my clothes.
Gaining or losing becomes a pain the ass because stupid clothes don't adjust themselves to fit!
I'm outgrowing too fucking much of my clothes.
and welcome to my world. I love and hate that my closet has everything from size 2 to size 16. That might not be a big deal, but I have worn all of those sizes within the past year!
for needing new sizes quickly for an unknown amount of time, I would look at buying lots on ebay or for things on freecycle.
and welcome to my world. I love and hate that my closet has everything from size 2 to size 16. That might not be a big deal, but I have worn all of those sizes within the past year!
That's right. I'd forgotten. You got teensy tiny, and then you got pregnant with twins.
I bought a brand new wardrobe right before I got pregnant, the first time.
I've been in bed for twelve hours! I didn't sleep the whole time, but I slept better than I have in weeks and weeks!
I'm still tired.
Yay for sleeping! I just ran errands, which I never do in the actual morning hours, so I'm feeling very accomplished. It was good because there were hardly any people out.
How was the bed last night, Jesse?
Awesome. I didn't get a new mattress or anything, so it was just higher.
Edit: And as soon as I could move the mattress and boxspring from blocking the window, I opened it, so it wasn't 100000 degrees in there any more.
Seriously, it's supposed to be 70 here today. THAT SHIT AIN'T RIGHT.
Yeah, it looks and feels like April, here.
I was thinking April myself, but then I remembered that it sometimes snows in April, so I revised to May.