Awww, what a sweet kitty story! (ETA: That's for Zenkitty, not Mr. Kitty so much--sad to hear about his vision problems!)
My father's theory of children dining was "you must clean your plate, otherwise no dessert." This, I think, is one of the main reasons I am now morbidly obese, combined with a very sedentary upbringing and naturally lazy tendencies, as well as genetic proneness to obesity through my dad's mother's side. Which makes my dad's blaming my sister's and my weight on my mom rather ironic, and really pissed me off when I found that out some 20 years ago.
Anyway, I still have a very hard time leaving anything on my plate. I'm going to replace my cheap and ugly dinner plates with some very pretty salad plates eventually--much smaller surface area, and will help me with eating smaller meals.
When I was in high school and babysitting, I had one kid who was very self-sufficiant and didn't really need a babysitter. I was supposed to watch the dog, an ancient daschund wienerdog, who would sometimes have nightmares. Her family were afraid she would have a heart attack in her sleep. I had to wake her up if she started to moan.
Allyson, I can check with my bookstore manager mom, but I'm fairly certain she is just going to confirm what everyone else has said: that news is made of awesome.
sad to hear about his vision problems!
I'm not sure if there are problems or not. Mind you, when I got him, his eyes were pretty cloudy due to a fever way back when he was a 2 yr old cat (he's 14ish.) It's also possible he's like me and easily startled, or that Devi has made him paranoid. In any case, he doesn't have any problem getting around and if it is the diabetes, he's taking it better than me (I'm somewhat paranoid.)
Oh! I wasn't going to admit this yet. I wanted to wait until I had some more evidence. But I've been doing the smaller plate thing, and it is totally working for me! I gave myself no rules, no restrictions, no calorie counting. I just use a smaller plate. I can still get seconds if I want. I find that I don't, as often as I would expect. Oh, and if I eat out, I try to split the dish in thirds, and only eat a third.
It gives me time to eat, enjoy, digest, relax. And in the end, it's a simple reduced calorie diet.
We do that too! We use luncheon-size plates and it really does work. Portion control, bay-bee!
Liese, that's totally cool. I must try it.
Video of icy streets in (I think) Portland
E from my friend P on the snowpocolypse
Oh, don't try the driving in snow.
It's not so much you as the idiot who will slide into you.
Although, actually, thinking about your car...... the person who will be doing the sliding is now in question.
Which? Less patronizing than it sounds since I have tires that need to be replaced even for non-icy conditions on my Mustang convertible and my last time on a skid pad at a driving course was over a decade ago. I know more than the drivers in that video but I don't harbor any fantasies that I am going to make the drifting highlight reels anytime soon.
That video? Damn, we don't have the smartest drivers here, do we?
Hmmmm. I suppose I could start buying those paper towels that have the perf lines closer together....
This has got to be one of the weirdest Japanese products ever: [link]
It's this swan-head that you wear, and it, um... it's hard to explain....