Dude, that's fucking awesome. And you totally have a platform, anyway. You'll sell hundreds of books to people who feel like they know you personally!
Also, I know a couple, one of whom is in marketing for a big publisher and the other of whom is a bookseller for a publisher, so if you ever want double-blind confirmation of what you're hearing, I could ask for translation.
I'm so glad I have so many friends who know stuff.
Of all the booky people around here, erinaceous is the one whose books would be most comparable to yours (from a marketing standpoint). So I would exploit her as a resource if I were you. And since I have personally exploited her as a resource on my last book (when she helped set up my Chicago reading), I think you'll be in good hands.
Perhaps the hindquarters, rather than the, you know... buttly bits.
I nearly choked on my own tongue laughing at this phrase. From now on, it's buttly bits.
guerrilla (god, I love the spell check feature on Firefox - two rs in guerrilla. Who knew.)
I love that I just found out that this comes from Spanish, meaning "Little War."
I'm such a nerd.
because I am so suggestible it's pathetic
HA! and this is why I'm leaving my house at all tonight just to go pick up takeout Indian so I can have naan. (also yay for good test results!)
Ha! As I was typing that I was thinking, huh, guerre, is war in French, isn't it? And yet, I still think gorilla when I think guerrilla, which is just lame of me.
Mmm. Naan.
Hey Kat! I just insended to you.
If I remember my high school Romance languages, French is "guerre," Spanish is "guerra," Latin is forgotten.
Completely random question: there is an SUV parked outside my apt. building whose alarm has gone off for over 20 minutes every single night for the past week. My building is right next to the highway, so I'm sure the noise/vibrations from trucks sets it off. I put a note on the damned thing tonight asking them to turn the f*ing thing off. If they don't, can I call the cops and would it do any good?? I am seriously tired of the continual alarms.
Chikat, I'd try. Noise ordinances or something. Or if your city has a non-emergency line (we have, um 311? I think?) I'd call them and ask for advice.
I knew what a guerrilla was long before I could spell it (thanks to central american messes) and it lead to some early strange images.
Still have frozen naan uneaten. I really need to make up another batch of jasmine rice, then I'll have palak paneer and the orange chicken.