That's great, Allyson. That kind of response from Borders and B&N is HUGE.
I don't want to get your hopes up here, but might make some money. I mean, really if they even just turn your book out on the shelves so the cover is showing, or put it on a front rack you might not be a secretary next year.
Ailleann, gmail was being shirty for me a little while ago.
Allyson, that's fucking awesome! I'm pimping your book to everyone I know.
I was just spoiled for the end of Six Feet Under (which I am watching on DVD) on Jeopardy. And they did not use the Buffy Finale.
That's great, Allyson! That's the kind of buzz that can really help a book. I love your writing and plan to buy copies for all my friends and maybe a few to shove into the hands of passing strangers.
I was just spoiled for the end of Six Feet Under (which I am watching on DVD) on Jeopardy. And they did not use the Buffy Finale.
Aw. All I know is what happens to one of the characters because it was hard to escape that on TWoP.
Also, Allyson, that's pretty fantastic news. I really enjoyed what I read of your essays.
Allyson, does the book have a specific release date? (IOW, when should I start asking my local indie bookstores to carry it?)
Just August. I can't breathe!
Allyson--that totally rocks! As do you.
Excellent news, Allyson!
will stop on the street and butt scritch cats
You're not really saying you scratch their asses, are you? Someone please translate.