My dad had said that installing solar panels in Ja for anything other than heating water was prohibitively expensive, and I just couldn't work out how it could be viable for remote Indian villages and not so in Jamaica.
It really depends on what you mean by electric service. The articles I've seen about solar for remote villages mostly just use the solar power to charge batteries for PCs, radios, cell phones and a couple of hours of light a night.
The articles I've seen about solar for remote villages mostly just use the solar power to charge batteries for PCs, radios, cell phones and a couple of hours of light a night.
I don't know enough about quantifying energy produced, but these are among the Barefoot College's successes.
Honestly, if a village doesn't have
electricity, charging batteries is a great deal.
Why is it that phone cords have to be curly? Just so they have to be untangled every five minutes?
Honestly, if a village doesn't have any electricity, charging batteries is a great deal.
It is a huge deal. It's cost effective to set up that level of solar energy, but for 24-hour service for HVAC, cooking, toasters, blenders and the like, not so much.
Tim, well, he's TIM. His boots have toes. He's the most calculating mofo in the history of good. Tim is not a woobie. He'd be figuring out the best way to disarm you using only the soup and blanket you're attempting to smother him with the moment you walk through the door.
Creepy freaky stalker boy wonder. LOVE. Sometimes, he's more Bat than Batman is.
Dammit, our Academic Decathlon topic was the '80s. I don't think that was in the curriculum.
Wow, THAT makes me feel old. Like when they atarted doing 80's days instead of 50's days during high school spirit weeks (or so I have heard).
There is an old lady perfume scent that seems to be permeating my building. I small it a lot, but I cannot link it to a person. And it makes me ill.
or 24-hour service for HVAC, cooking, toasters, blenders and the like, not so much
I'm trying to imagine my grandmother's house with any of the above, and ... NSM. She never got electricity or running water in her house, but they built a separate building with both where you could shower and wash up and do some cooking related tasks.
She could have done with a water heater, let me tell you.
There was another song that was out around the same time as We Didn't Start... that had historical stuff in it, I think. It's a very vague impression.
In today's craptacular news, the blood test report that I should have gotten two weeks ago says that my cholesterol medicine is working great, cutting my numbers nearly in half and bringing me down into optimum or near-optimum ranges on everything.
Oh, except for the part about it raising liver enzymes (like what caused my dad's second hospitalization last year) so they need to cut it in half and restrict me from using migraine meds or general painkillers.
Regular headaches and the odd wonky knee I can just suck it up and cope with, but unmedicated migraines are going to cost me workdays that I can't afford to lose.
Creepy freaky stalker boy wonder. LOVE. Sometimes, he's more Bat than Batman is.
I really feel the need to kick back with the first 120 issues of
so I can commune with the freakboy the way the freakboy oughtta be.