Which reminds me -- did anyone read the latest Green Arrow? Sometimes Winick really doesn't suck.
I'd dropped it. Should I pick it up? Winick often doesn't suck, it's just that when he does suck, it's such a sucking chest wound kind of suck, that you can't remember his actual talent (which is pretty damn talented).
Which reminds me -- did anyone read the latest Green Arrow? Sometimes Winick really doesn't suck.
I'd dropped it. Should I pick it up?
Well, Red Hood comes to Star City, followed by Batman (and I'm actually not even pimping the storyline based on any hatesex HoYay, so there!), and Ollie and Mia are in top snarky form and Jay is back to his oh-so-fucked-up-yet-mesmerizing self (we'll call his characterization -- and near-digestion -- in Nightwing a really unfortunate bad dream).
It's mostly the Ollie and Mia snarking that made me full of Winick-love. Though Bats and his great big weak spot for Jay is pretty damn spot-on, too.
Well, Red Hood comes to Star City, followed by Batman (and I'm actually not even pimping the storyline based on any hatesex HoYay, so there!), and Ollie and Mia are in top snarky form and Jay is back to his oh-so-fucked-up-yet-mesmerizing self (we'll call his characterization -- and near-digestion -- in Nightwing a really unfortunate bad dream).
Okay. I'll do it for Jay. Because NO ONE writes Jay like Winick. NO ONE.
Mmm. Jay.
PS, that whole RUN of Nightwing was a Very Bad Dream.
How can we dance when our Earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?
Okay. I'll do it for Jay. Because NO ONE writes Jay like Winick. NO ONE.
Right? It's SO worth reading.
Mmm. Jay.
He *crazy.* And I love that he's Batman's unfixable weak spot.
I have "Dancing With Tears in My Eyes" in my head. Ah, apocolyptic pop, how anacronistic you seem.
He *crazy.* And I love that he's Batman's unfixable weak spot.
He makes me wibble like a little girl. Not in the same way as Dean does, but more in the way that crazy, Wes-torturing Faith did.
Not in the same way as Dean does, but more in the way that crazy, Wes-torturing Faith did.
And where do Dick and Tim fall on your woobie scales?
Now my brain has cycled onto "Five Minutes to Midnight" by Heaven 17.