No, I just mentioned that, because I'm not so sure it ought to belong in academic decathalon materials on the 80s.
Oh, right. Point.
That clock's a big old drama queen.
It really is. I mean, doesn't it just cause MORE drama by making people freak out about the state of the world that it measures? It's like the Fandom Wank of clocks.
Mr. Luce takes a cautiously optimistic view. “India is not on an autopilot to greatness,” he writes. “But it would take an incompetent pilot to crash the plane.”
Go Team India!
It's like the Fandom Wank of clocks.
Nah, the clock has way fewer sockpuppets and flouncy journal deletions.
Go Team India!
Did you skip over the part about the most corrupt bureaucracy on earth?
Dammit, our Academic Decathlon topic was the '80s.
I've forgotten what our AcaDeca topic was. I think something having to do with Amy Tan's books, but I misremember.
I knew I was getting old when I discovered that I could no longer use
The Breakfast Club
as a shared cultural touchstone.
On the other hand,
The Daily Show
still uses it, so maybe I should just mock those pesky kids who don't get my jokes.
On the other hand, The Daily Show still uses it, so maybe I should just mock those pesky kids who don't get my jokes.
Or maybe you should switch to The Daily Show for all your cultural touchstones. Or better yet, The Simpsons. That's good for a 20 year span of humans.
Go Team India!
Did you skip over the part about the most corrupt bureaucracy on earth?
One of. Besides, P-C lives in the Bay Area. It's not like we don't have some corrupt bureaucracies right here.
Of course, in 10 more years, The Daily Show is going to be, like, News For Your Mom.
Nah, the clock has way fewer sockpuppets and flouncy journal deletions.
But the clock
these things.
Did you skip over the part about the most corrupt bureaucracy on earth?
Silver lining, David. Silver lining.
I've forgotten what our AcaDeca topic was. I think something having to do with Amy Tan's books, but I misremember.
The other year, we didn't have a social science topic because the Super Quiz was the global economy, I think. I learned all sorts of things from Ac Dec.
I am not old enough to remember when it came out, but I am definitely old enough to remember when it was like 11:59:45 or some shit during the Reagan era. Not that it's a digital clock.
Oh, Christ, yes, I spent much of the '80s going, "Good god, what's that man going to do now? They've got nukes! We've got nukes! And he's got penile size issue that he's trying to solve with the military budget!"