My theatre friend turned me on to CJ, back when I was bitter and refused to listen to any female vocalist. Turned me right around.
Ha. The answer to this is to distribute your wrong phone number to everyone. Then act surprised when nobody calls you. Okay, this perhaps only works for me. But nobody ever calls me for work anyway. Yay. Okay, admittedly, I never answer the phone for personal calls, either.
See, I rarely answer my home phone unless I recognize the number, but screening your calls at work? Dude! Don't screen your calls when you've asked for technical support!
I just got a call from a SINGING telemarketer. I can't tell if the singing was supposed to be part of the call, or if I picked up unexpectedly while she was...singing. She didn't sound embarassed about it, so maybe the singing was the point. Or maybe that's just how she gets through her day.
Wow. That's a new one for me. Was she any good? Maybe she thinks she's going to randomly dial some big producer.
mostly I just wish people would not call me.
This is why I don't have a cell phone.
Okay, technical problem is now solved, I can finally call for Thai food, and at least nobody is singing at me.
Buffistas - Successfully Avoiding Phone Calls Since 1997.
I'm actually trying to get better at calling people, but that doesn't apply to my CEO calling me with a question I can't really answer, because she's asking me for information she gave me at our Christmas party, so I never wrote it down, and now we both forget. Argh.
I have two lines at work. At least now I have a phone where I can tell which line is ringing. It's better just to send email, since 75% of the calls require me to do some investigating and get back to them at a later time. Which I often do with ... email!