::once again idly contemplates acquiring an au pair to take care of the cats::
Some days, I want one for me. Really, more just a personal assistant (forgot I needed to get needles and insulin, very soon.)
I'm sitting here, marvelling that an ancient, dollar store purchased cd of Vivaldi actually has enough info on it that the nifty bit of software can troll the internet and actually provide the track ids. I mean, this cd has got to be nearly 15 years old. I likely didn't imagine I'd be loading it onto a hard drive 15 years ago.
Jenna Fisher is MY GIRL -- Ellen Degeneres did a goofy Golden Globe thing, and she offered them Girl Scout cookies, and Jenna asked for Samoas! My favorite! I knew we were BFF.
FCM: knight in shining armour, carpet cleaner, employer
t Dwight Schrute
Question: Is 'carpet cleaner' a euphemism?
t /Dwight Schrute
Actually, and regardless,
F Knight
C Employer
M Carpet Cleaner
I don't need an employer if I'm married to a Carpet Cleaner, and have a little something on the side with a Knight.
Jenna Fisher is MY GIRL -- Ellen Degeneres did a goofy Golden Globe thing, and she offered them Girl Scout cookies, and Jenna asked for Samoas! My favorite! I knew we were BFF.
Get in line, little one. I claimed her as my TV best friend way back in the thread (well, today), and previously in LJ. I know she likes you a bunch, but just not
The "fingerprint" of a CD that's used to look details up in the Gracenote database is the combination of track lengths and the number of tracks. So any CD of any age that anyone's cared enough to submit info for will have a record in the database.
But do you love Samoas the best??
That's private bff info, between me and Jenna, my BFF.
And that's very cool! I mean, for crying out loud, the first time I went on the internet, I found it, well...novel but not really that interesting (1990, maybe? I'd have to recall when the main operations building was finished at the telescope. Which I could probably find online!) Boy, was I off on that one... I'd lack so much useless random information were it not for google and wikipedia. Er, maybe that's why I feel dumber than I used to...storing weird crap...
I'd also lack some very good friends.