That dress is so many kinds of wrong, yet all I can look at is her too severe hair color and lip color. And the black belt. And then the all kinds of wrong dress again. Oh, wait. I guess that's the whole picture.
And what was Vanessa Williams thinking?
And what was Vanessa Williams thinking?
"You know what I want for the Globes? A hair monster to shit on my head. Let's do that!"
As Promised, Hugh Laurie's acceptance speech: [link]
That dress is so many kinds of wrong, yet all I can look at is her too severe hair color and lip color. And the black belt. And then the all kinds of wrong dress again. Oh, wait. I guess that's the whole picture.
Yeah, I started to think... maybe you could just take off the black bow... and the sleeve... and the lipstick... but it's really just the whole thing. However, it's the hair that really makes the whole thing look psycho.
Aww, man. Look what they did to my cute Rachel McAdams.
Fuck you, Hollywood!
Rachel! Run back to Canada, quick!
It's 'orrible.
Yeah, the hair is pretty ridiculous too.
I approve of Debet's tag.
Adorable, that Hugh. And I love that he goes back to kiss his wife.
Timelies all!
So, I did 30 minutes on the treadmill yesterday.(Ok, it was at the slowest speed with no incline. It's a start) Are my legs sore this morning? Nope. I do have sore muscles near my underarms from the various attempts to hold on to the rails. Next time I'll just walk with my arms at my side...
I'm going to pop in here to brag on my very successful day, diet-wise. Not only have I not eaten anything that wasn't on my menu for the day (including the hard candies at the receptionist's desk that I normally snag as I walk by), not only have I not had a Diet Coke, and instead have had 1 1/2 liters of water (so far), but I've worked out this morning, upping my number of reps to boot, and I went for a walk at 3:00 this afternoon!! Oh, and I ordered a swimsuit so I can start doing daily laps when they open the apartment complex's pool this summer.
It doesn't sound like much when it's all written out, but for me, it's a lot! I'm feeling very proud of myself.
Now back to your regular Golden Globes discussion.
ETA: X-post with Sheryl! Good for you on the treadmill--I'm hoping I can work my way up to 30 minutes uninterrupted in a month or two. My walk was only 15 minutes, and I had to stop a few times to catch my breath. But, it is cold outside, too (20 degrees).