More reasons to love Helen Mirren:
Helen Mirren won the best television actress award for her regal title role in "Elizabeth I," but backstage she was working blue, cracking jokes about what it means to be an Essex girl ("You know when an Essex girl has an orgasm, she drops her fries"). In fact, the joke carried on to her prospects for an Oscar. "I've never had an 'O.' They said the earth moves," she said. "I can't wait. I'll definitely drop my fries for that."
Some of those t-shirts are really tasteless, but some are funny as hell. I love this one: [link]
t edit
And this one: [link]
please feed her.
AJ is gorgeous and all, but those tats put me off.
Her tattoos look messy to me. But that's probably because she's deep and shit.
Annette looks like she's making the skunky beer face.
Oh frabjous day! It's my troublesome/-ed coworker's last day! And she's being really professional about it all -- has her story down and everything, about how the job was a bad fit, career change, etc. A huge relief, I tell you what.
in my head my shape is like Jessica Beils but smooshed down in a frame 5-6 inches shorter than her.
That's a rough picture of Annette Benning, but I'd rather she look like that then all pulled taut.
Jessica Biels has less body fat than I ever will again, alive. But I'm willing to take her frame and pad it some. Let me check how tall she's supposed to be. Celebheight and IMDB both have her just shorter than me.
My favorite Hugh Laurie bit:
''I know everyone says they have a wonderful crew and logically that can't be the case and they can't all be wonderful. Somebody, somewhere, is working with a crew of drunken thieves.''
re: Hugh Laurie
I wonder how many people last night went "WTF? He's English?"