scary close-up when did she become an 80 year-old?
I don't get the point of flaunting your Not!Cleavage unless you're posing for Anorexics Monthly.
Helen Mirren looked fantastic last night. Not bad for a sixty y.o. Brit who smokes. (compare and contrast Judi Dench)
the piv looks better than he has in years.
New rug? Implants? He didn't used to have that hair.
Ashley Olsen makes me sad. My kids are into
Full House
reruns, and I see this cute little girl, and oof.
I love that Meryl Streep is as old as my mother, and sort of looks it, but also looks okay. Not unlike my actual mother.
Has anyone else gotten the forwarded email about how Barack Obama is a muslim and he shouldn't be in the white house because of it?
If our mother gets to be a movie star, I am hoseying the gift bags in advance.
My favorite elderly female Brit is Dame Maggie Smith, who will always be Miss Jean Brodie in my head. Even when she is playing a nun in a Whoopi Goldberg vehicle.
tina's face is priceless.
aliand Katherine are just all too much pretty.
It's something like 38 degrees...and I swear we have a wind chill bringing it down to 30.
My car told me that it was 30 degrees this morning in Pasadena when I started it to go to school. It didn't get above freezing until I started down into the Valley. WTF LA?
I'm sorta bummed about it all, as I don't have a lot of warm clothes/shoes. I AM UNPREPARED.
Me too. I don't even have my real winter coats. They're all still in storage in CT, and my classroom is
I'm huddled over my space heater.
Also? Heard on NPR this morning that they're estimating a 75% loss of the citrus and avocado crop. Everyone better stock up on fruit now, 'cause it is going to get expensive and difficult to find shortly.
Also, also: ita, I sent an email to our mutual kravver at my school today. Should be interesting to see if I managed to startle her!
Also, also, also: Amy Tan is speaking at my school on February 6th! If any LAista would like to come as my guest, i can bring up to five people ($10 each). Anyone interested? Kat, I'm not sure if you'll be in Hawaii by then, but I was specifically thinking you might be.
tina's face is priceless.
That is just so many kinds of awesome.
tina's face is priceless.
She had the best dress. It was very msbellian.
Best Speeches:
1. Hugh Laurie
2. Sacha Baron Cohen
3. Meryl Streep
4. Tom Hanks
Worst speech:
1. Forrest Whitaker. (He better pull it together because he's probably going to win the Oscar).
So I'm thinking Forest and Helen also get Oscars, and Scorsese finally gets his director win.
oh my Terrence went white tie - WOOBIE!