Barak Obama: 2008 [link]
Most UK apartment rentals are furnished. (My BiL and SiL turned down a few apartments solely on the basis of the furniture when they were looking.)
Wow. So different, here, you're lucky if you get a fridge.
But Kevin, no iron? No kitchen implements? No nuthin'?
Barak Obama: 2008 [link]
My gut reaction is that it's a bad idea for him to run so soon. But then I think that Obama has talked to many many Democratic politicians, campaign people, etc. about running, and presumably they know more about politics than me....
No food bowls for the kitties?
It is one degree out. I slipped and fell on the steps (which are icy because I failed to clean them properly to begin with) while taking the dog out. I worked until eleven last night and I have a full day's work before I have to go to work. Again, this is all my fault because I didn't get it done during my huge winter break. I suck.
Flat has new iron, ironing board, hoover, cutlery, pots, pans, bowls, cups, plates, fridge, freezer, oven, sofas, lights, tables, chairs and bed covers & sheets. Is pretty standard for city letting in UK.
ETA: Cat stuff! Good point. Must remember that.
I was just coming to post the Obama news! (And I've had the same gut reaction.)
Meanwhile, the AKC has listed the most registered dog breeds for 2006:
1. Labrador Retriever
2. Yorkshire Terrier
3. German Shepherd Dog
4. Golden Retriever
5. Beagle
6. Dachshund
7. Boxer
8. Poodle
9. Shih Tzu
10. Miniature Schnauzer
Despite having grown up in Wisconsin, I am now paranoid about ice. Two of the last four time I've fallen on ice, I've managed to break bones.
Oh, Barack Obama, why did you have to do that?
t sigh
I fall a lot. But I never injure myself seriously. For which I'm grateful, but I have no desire to try to continue my streak.