tiggy, it hasn't aired on the West Coast yet.
oh! i don't know why i was thinking it was airing in every timezone at the same time. i'm a self-involved Central timezoner. i'm glad i didn't spoil anyone inadvertently!
I said on my LJ that it looks like she took Micheal's coffee filter dress from PR, slapped on some trim from Laura, and stole something from Neck Tat to make a bow. Awful.
I got sucked into PR late and didn't see the coffee filter dress, but i can imagine everything else!
her hair is way too dark. It looks ridiculous.
have you seen the red carpet pictures? she looks even worse in sunlight.
i'm a self-involved Central timezoner.
You know, I've heard that about you people.
I got sucked into PR late and didn't see the coffee filter dress, but i can imagine everything else!
I loved the coffee filter dress. But it was made in extreme conditions. From coffee filters.
When you having designers giving you dresses and people doing your hair, there is no excuse.
ETA: Or what Vortex said below.
Plus, although I'm normally all for the non-blonding of Hollywood, her hair is way too dark. It looks ridiculous.
yes. and if you are going to have an unflattering hair color, at least style it. Hell, I'd be happy if she brushed it.
the coffee filter dress [link]
I loved the coffee filter dress. But it was made in extreme conditions. From coffee filters.
I loved it too. But Cameron fucked it up.
I'd say ice your toe, Emily, but it seems awfully cold to that
Vortex, I don't know why you whitefonted it, but IIRC, Eddie Izzard is supposed to be in a TV comedy with Minnie Driver, so that probably was him.
You know, I've heard that about you people.
Central timezoners are mom's favorite. pass it on.
thanks for the coffee filter dress link, Vortex. interesting concept. i'm guessing by your and megan's comments that the dress didn't stand up to the test of weather and wear.
GG: What does Angelina Jolie have written on her back?
Are there red carpet pictures up somewhere?
I look forward to Go Fug Yourself tomorrow.
Oh, Arnie, can it.