Honestly, Mrs. Rushdie has turned out to be not much better than Mrs. Joel, although I like her relative enthusiasm for eating.
I don't like her because she doesn't sound very smart. I don't know if its the cadence, or the way that she speaks so sloooooowly, or what. At least she has some food cred.
Hmmm... Mid March has to be weekendish. I'll be back at work.
I find it weird that my life is so tightly scheduled.
Oh. I've discovered the joy of watching these shows with the dvr--you can skip so much.
i've found that not watching them at all can help with the head thunking.
Yes, and now that her hair is dark she looks even more like Jess.
her hair looks great that color and her dress was a great shade for her skin tone/new hair.
Was that
Eddie Izzard
in that commercial for The Riches?
her hair looks great that color and her dress was a great shade for her skin tone/new hair.
Seriously. Also, Geena Davis in blue. And the deep green of Helen Mirren's dress. Lovely.
Poor Emily's foot.
Kat, pre-mid-march, we might run into that nasty snow stuff. When would be better for you.
The Long Road Home
is a freaking long album! I mean, I knew I fell asleep listening to it on a long flight and it still wasn't over when the flight attendent woke me up, but...
Anyway, this whole loading-music thing is slow. I'll definitely be doing it slooooooowly.
Cameron Diaz looks awful. is she channeling Bjork?
hmm... good point.
okay. let me look at the calendar and I'll AIM ya.
Best Actor - Comedy/Musical: