Thank you, Megan! I hate when my brain is stupid. Which is happening more and more often.
Cass, I could come up midweek... I'm off until March. And I have two weeks in Hawaii.
And I'm getting HUGE so I keep worrying about getting all my travelling done sooner rather than later.
Lee, will you please come over and bring Naan? Thanks so much.
Man, now I'm hungry and I wish I had frozen naan.
It's close but not quite perfect.
I keep nagging my mom to get me the baker's address. Cause I'd totally pay occasionally ridiculous amounts for several loaves of that stuff. She offered to do it for me, but I've decided I feel goofy having my mom ship me
Except, oddly, I don't want it right now.
Kat, we should go visit Portland together, and then I can give you naan.
But I want naan now, not later. YAY naan. I even have stuff to eat with naan. as long as mango lassi are not involved.
But yes. we should go to Portland. I could go on a Wed/Thurs/Fri. I have work on Tuesdays and school on weekends.
Puppies are more H than AC though.
Ah, but you are missing the fanning effect of wildly wagging tails.
I just realized I did not eat dinner. eat now? or no?
I think no. nothing sounds good.
I should have done work tonight, but I did not.