They lost me in season one after the cougar and the amnesia.
S1 had amnesia, the cougar was S2.
I love 24 precisely because it's so ridiculous. It embraces its absurdity and runs with it with such gleeful disregard for things like sense and reality.
I saw them drive up and she was looking the other way, her tail gently waving, I called her name and she turned around, saw me, and did a perfect double-take to Jason--"Holy Shit, it's Robin! What the--!" After that, she wagged her tail so hard she almost fell over and licked my face with great thoroughness.
Awwww, welcome home!
They lost me in season one after the cougar and the amnesia.
They got me back with Keifer whispering. And growling. And pretty much all of his vocalizations.
The man could read me the phone book. Or the Illiad. And should.
happily bubbling away (thanks for the answer on the clementine, Cindy, btw).
Oh, you're welcome, bon bon. I just ate, but your post is making me hungry. I realized afterwards that I probably should have asked what you were using the zest for. I think you can substitute most citrus zests for each other (although I might hesitate to use lime). I'd definitely try any of them in a fruit cake.
Are you going to give us a recipe.
George Carlin had a great bit on the difference.
Text: [link]
It's even better when you can hear Carlin do the delivery. There is a link for that at the bottom of the page, but it is a RealAudio stream.
Emily! I thought maybe they didn't have the internets in your neighborhood, any more.
Oh, they have it (intermittently); I just don't get around to the posting very much. I've been checking in from time to time, just often so braindead that I don't have much to say. But I miss, you know, people!
How is your place? Your job? What did you do for the holidays?
My place is crowded and very messy -- a combination of no time and really not much inclination to clean. My neighborhood seems to be essentially Mos Eisley without the fun aliens. My school... god, don't even go there. Not a good week for it. And I went to Paris over Christmas! So that was nice. Spent Christmas even trying to explain in broken, drunken French why my students have to take two math classes and two language arts classes and are still way below grade level. Also about what it means not to have nationalized health care. This was not in my high school French classes! "Si nous n'avons pas l'insurance, et il faut que nous allons a l'hopital, nous devons payer -- payer? yeah? -- depuis nous n'avons rien d'argent. Rien! Alors, le gouvernement payent." I'm not sure it made sense even in English, but hey -- drunk!
And I went to Paris over Christmas!
If I knew that, I'd forgotten. How wonderful. Wait. Did you go with your dad?
So that was nice. Spent Christmas even trying to explain in broken, drunken French why my students have to take two math classes and two language arts classes and are still way below grade level. Also about what it means not to have nationalized health care. This was not in my high school French classes! "Si nous n'avons pas l'insurance, et il faut que nous allons a l'hopital, nous devons payer -- payer? yeah? -- depuis nous n'avons rien d'argent. Rien! Alors, le gouvernement payent." I'm not sure it made sense even in English, but hey -- drunk!
Aye. I didn't take French, but I see your French is just about where my Spanish is -- I still know many words that resemble English words!