I miss baseball season.
Yeah, baby.
No matter how many times it's explained to me, football remains nothing but white noise. I just don't. get. it.
Baseball is so lovely and linear and elegant. And you get to see much more of the lovely men's bodies without all that horrible padding.
t /shallow
Hey, Hec! Book~ma this weekend. Is it due soon?
Weird. Back-to-back interceptions.
This game is a nutty one, too.
I do not get this "foot ball" game you all speak of.
There was a McDonald's commercial that used the phrase "I'd buy that for a dollar."
That ain't right.
I do not get this "foot ball" game you all speak of.
It is a game that, when played by a "professional" team based in Chicago, is designed to drive me crazy.
My goodness, this round of playoffs has been exciting.
Yeah, this isn't even the game I care about and I'm watching raptly. Of course, I'm also entering business receipts, so it's possible that the principle of procrastination is playing a role.
Later, we get to be in the odd and uncomfortable position of cheering for the Pats. That should be an interesting one, too.