The laundry room clean-up only took about an hour, and that includes the balancing act of getting the washer & dryer (which both work fine) up on 2x4s so that the floor underneath can dry. Thanks for the well-wishes!
Having dealt with shitheel landlords before, I wish you all the best, Allyson, and hope you can restrain yourself from beating the shit out of him. I will say that I took one to small claims court after moving out and beat him fair-and-square when he began embellishing details about the state of the house and I produced photos that demonstrated to the judge that his testimony was a lie.
Allyson, what the fair people said.
That's such BS, Allyson. It's clearly his fault. I think you were quite gracious only asking for the measly $20 credit. Who the fuck doesn't forward their mail?
People on the lam, that's who.
I have finally hung a bracket with the sihouette of a quail, hung a candle from it, framed and hung 2 pieces of art, found a place for the gorgeous hanukah candles (in a v-shaped hanging glass vase) and windexed the table top. I feel virtuous. I still need to go gather random pictures from frames and rehome some of them, but I need albums for that. Tomorrow. And tomorrow I figure out how to hand a secondary curtain rod to hand all my baubles from. And if I find a craft shop, more glass and a way to put a gorgeous peruvian quilted thing behind glass.
And while I'm thinking of it, Target has flipflops again. $8. Now why flipflops and bathing suits are appearing in the usually-coldest month, after disappearing way back in early early fall, well, I'll blame someone as soon as I can find them.
Did I tell you guys I'm in a documentary about The Bronze?
No! OK, now you really have to get a myspace page. Neat!
Did I tell you guys I'm in a documentary about The Bronze?
I just watched the trailer and I'm like, Hey! I know all those people!