Hey Kalshane - in your interview you should ask if they pay for transit passes. Illinois allows employers to pay their employees' mass-transit costs tax-free, so many companies take advantage of this. My bosses pay my approx $89 per month Metra pass fee.
I did not know that. Vortex suggested asking about it, but knowing that the state encourages companies to do it helps. That will definitely be on my list of questions.
And the Snuffleupagus hide hoodie was NOT effective method of changing my stance.
On the plus side, only gigantic yellow birds would acknowledge your presence while you were wearing it.
They killed Snuffy!?!
When they took Elmo, to skin him to make Willow's sweater, his last words were, "Elmo not going down alone."
That's when Snuffy read the writing on the wall. Big Bird helped, of course.
frickin' cold in San Francisco this morning.
In other news, I think we can say this guy named his dog correctly.
Dog shot while fending off Oakland robber
Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer
Thursday, January 11, 2007
(01-11) 08:45 PST OAKLAND -- Buffy, a 7-year-old German shepherd, jumped in harms way to protect her owner when he was robbed outside their East Oakland home on Wednesday night.
The dog managed to fend off the assailant, but not before he shot the animal in the leg.
Now, Buffy is awaiting surgery and may lose the limb, Lagree Bartley, 49, said today.
"She just had an instinct and she jumped him," Bartley said. "All we know is that he shot at her twice. He hit her once and her leg may have to be amputated."
Elmo and Big Bird killed the magic of Snufflupaugus a long time ago.
Good Samaritans who watched over Buffy as she awaited transport to the nearest Animal hospital, report that as she peed on the gun, she barked out something many swear sounded remarkably similar to, "These things? Never useful."
Go doggie! Sad it might lose it's leg, though.
Hands up if you're shocked:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice let slip her news media preferences Thursday, saying, "I love every single one" of Fox News network's correspondents and also favors CBS anchor Harry Smith.
In comments overheard on an open microphone between morning television interviews, including one with Fox, the top U.S. diplomat said: "My Fox guys, I love every single one of them."
Oh. My. God.
Is ita about? Some guy was hotlinking to images on some other site. When the other site took down the images, the guy doing the hotlinking got all mad and said he might sue.