war comes, and they up and make you into cannon fodder! Hopefully you get citizenship out of the deal.
While my grandfather wasn't an illegal immigrant, this was how he bypassed the five year wait and test to become a naturalized citizen. The policy is that if you serve in the US military during a time of war, you automatically receive US citizenship. They were talking about changing this in the early 90s, I'm not sure if they ever did.
I confirm, no snow in New Jersey! (At least not here.)
I just got off the phone with my mom, who reported a ten-minute snow flurry in her part of NJ (about 20 miles east of Cherry Hill). It's all melted now, though.
Huh. Delurking week. I wonder if Hallmark makes a card for that?
Well then.
Hi again! There is snow on the ground in Vancouver, and I'm going to need an address from JohnSweden to send this too, because that just ain't right!
But Allyson, sometimes don't you want to shove the genie back into the box? For example, isn't there ever a person that you feel like telling, "Please! Go back to lurking!"
The Yakuza Women who run my school are, I'm told by the librarian, worried about me dyeing my hair and taking cold medicine. bahahahaha. They also get made when I lift things. They would be appalled at the amount of work I've been doing at home in terms of lifting, schlepping etc.
It's a pretty unfair holiday. I'm already unlurked everywhere. I guess I have to sign up to a new board just to delurk, but if you sign up on a board just to make a post to delurk, then there really isn't any lurking involved.
The Yakuza Women who run my school
Do they have really cool tattoos?
worried about me dyeing my hair and taking cold medicine
I'm worried too, what if you have a tragic hair dyeing accident while hopped up on cold medicine.