This article at Wikipedia notes:
There is currently debate concerning the definition of natural born citizen. The main focus of this debate is whether or not children born to Americans overseas be considered eligible for the Presidency. Several main candidates have sought the office who were born outside the United States (e.g., George Romney was born in Mexico to U.S. parents, Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona while it was still a U.S. territory, and John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone to U.S. parents). Barry Goldwater's case among these three is unique in two ways, first, although he was not born in any state, he was born on US soil, as the Arizona territory was an incorporated territory, and second, Arizona was later admitted as a state. These candidates were not elected, so the issue was never fully addressed.
It seems it probably has not been the case with anyone who has actually won the office (since the first few presidents, that is).
I'm not sure if this counts, Kat, but I remember hearing some questions about where Andrew Jackson was born. Officially, he was born in NC, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that he may have been born on board a ship while his mother was crossing the Atlantic.
So if John McCain were elected then, he would have been born overseas, but still in American territory as the Panama Canal Zone was controlled by the US.
I should pursue this. Then suddenly I remember, I should clean the house, finish watching the Alias DVD, mail things, sort yarn, file, watcch last night's House episode and take a nap too.
Hmmm... what to do?
I should pursue this. Then suddenly I remember, I should clean the house, finish watching the Alias DVD, mail things, sort yarn, file, watcch last night's House episode and take a nap too.
Take the nap.
Also? Come to Portland, but not today. It's really cold out there.
I'm trying to recall ANYTHING from high school civics. But that was almost half of my lifetime ago and I can't remember shit.
All I am recalling is that my AP notes looked like protoslash. Because I babbled incessantly about these two dudes, Jeff and John. It was easier than Jefferson and Jackson. And I have no idea why I bastardized Jackson into John, but clearly my notes show I did. Maybe I felt Jack was too familiar and wanted to keep things a little more formal.
Pregnancy mini-meara:
I've been keeping my hair blue with Special Effects and no bleach, figuring that if 90% of the don't-do-X-it-will-kill-your-baby sites out there are saying things like " many women just get highlights instead!" a little semipermanent dye will be just fine.
My caffeine source has been downgraded from 2 cups of coffee in the morning to 1 cup of Earl Grey, but now that the smell of coffee no longer makes me want to hurl I've been drinking decaf lattes in the afternoon.
OK, someone's crazy and it certainly isn't me.
"I want some information about John F. Kennedy. He was from England, right? Like, London? Also, did he have any military experience?"
My first instinct is to think that the patron might be confusing JKF's dad's position as ambassador to the UK, but on second thought, he was probably just being dim. I doubt very much he has any clue about Senior's diplomatic career. As for "did he have any military experience"--yeah, he's being dim.
I know my sense of taste is screwed up right now due to my sinuses, but I'm pretty sure a blueberry muffin isn't meant to taste like bananas.
In other news, last night I discovered that I shouldn't hop off my bed from a standing position whilst wearing chenille slippers. Chenille + hardwood floor = painful pratfalls.
for some reason I have a hard time picturing shrift slounging in chenille.
for some reason I have a hard time picturing shrift slounging in chenille.
I'm not allowed to have warm feet? Communist.