My begging for ginger ale, not soda (what?), came from needing medicinal ale but finding it too sweet and then cutting it with juice that was too sweet so I added some of the pomegranate white tea too.
Weak jasmine green tea is the only drink besides water that really works for me right now.
Lee, come up here and we can take you British Grocery Shopping!
I could do that.
Can we go to Portland, if I do?
Word to your mamma's mamma!
Hell yes!
I like English groceries though.
Lee, there's a British grocery in San Carlos, on El Camino right next to the Baskin-Robbins. Big Union Jack out front; hard to miss.
E-mail my profile addy if you need more detail.
OOOH! I bet I even know where that is. Thanks Karl!
I still get to go to Seattle and Portland though, right?
Thank you, burrell!
You're totally welcome. Funny, but it felt a bit sad passing on all the maternity clothes, so I'm glad it went to someone I love.
Lee, IMO TJs rooibos isn't so yummy. I do like the Numi rooibos, esp the "green" rooibos (which isn't green at all). Oh, and TJs does have a good honeybush tea, which is kind of like rooibos.
I drank gallons of rooibos when I was pregnant. I still do, but now I drink black and green tea as well.
And does anyone know why oolong tea is not black or green but oolong?
I still get to go to Seattle and Portland though, right?
Of course. Cass and Plei need their share of Lee-fabulosity, too.
does anyone know why oolong tea is not black or green but oolong?
I think it's fermented less than the one and more than the other.
Lee, where I live is still cooler.