I like tea steeped to within an inch of its life, extra strong, and sweet. I use Equal, though.
I've actually never tried milk in tea, but it just doesn't appeal to me. And I definitely wouldn't put it in green tea.
I have a thing about lemon, though. I hate lemon, and it also gives me a sore throat. I'm forever asking waitresses for iced tea and diet soda with no lemon, please.
Can you do decaf, Kat? Because I know if I want babies if I have to give up tea for close to a year.
oh, it's over, it's over, that stupid arc is over! And yay, Cuddy! and House and Wilson smiled at each other like they meant it!
Cass, I do decaf tea. and mint and spearmint tea. And in all honesty, even though it has some caf, I do green tea. But most places do not have decaf iced tea. If it's a coffee place, I'll be a jerk and make them make it for me. And in reality, I've had a glass or two of regular iced tea.
But yeah. I am also willing to take benadryl and robitussin too if it means I sleep through the night. When I have a three headed baby, you'll all know why.
Though weirdly, when I got pregnant, my endo had me on a med that said, "DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT! MAY CAUSE BIRTH DEFECTS!" Had I not stayed on that, I would have miscarried.
And the fetal specialist has me on aspirin which is a big prenatal no-no. So who knows?
And I'm dyeing my hair this week.
Ah, yes. Decaf iced is fairly hard to get out. But you can keep large vats at home at least while making peoples.
Most of my tea at home is decaf so I don't think about it. The decaf Paradise is a blessed miracle. Fruity but not sweetened at all. I shove one of the ginormo bags in a gallon of water and insta (in a few hours) iced tea.
And I'm dyeing my hair this week.
Rebel! You are a pretty, pretty rebel. Pinkifying?
that's the debate. I have a lot of gray on top and in my bangs, so I actually think I'm going to just go back to my natural color. Plus lots of growth, so if I were to repinkify I'd have to bleach it all again. And while bleach is apparently potentially the bad part of the hair dye prenatal experience, I don't want to do it because my hair is looking fried.
My hair has been pink for a while though. It's a conundrum.
And House made the sexy face! Right when they were talking about the apology at the end. My heels are still tingling. And yes, it's so over, thank the gods.
Chiming in on the milk in tea love. Unless it's green tea, or a fruity herbal. Then it doesn't need it.
But I now feel the need to say ROOIBOS! I also feel the need to drink some.
Milk in tea makes me make the blechy face.