Gris, I think I used to rearrange some of the tool bars in Opera pretty easily, since if you right-click on the bar (not an icon) you should get a menu that includes placement choices. But this is from memory as I use Opera at work and I'm on Firefox at the present.
(Still, I find Opera pretty nifty, enough that I haven't bothered to try out other choices on the work machine just yet.)
I get a "Customize" option that takes me to a menu, but the only choices are "Top" "Bottom" "Left" and "Right". If you have two things on the top, I can't figure out how to put one on top of the other.
I did manage to add a button to turn images on and off on the fly to my main toolbar, which is jazzin'.
Ooh, Opera's built-in bittorrent client is pretty cool. Though I'll probably try to convince it to use Azureus for larger downloads than the teensy one I'm getting now.
Gris, every way I've tried so far keeps the order of the toolbars constant.
At least on the Mac, I never managed to make the builtin torrent client work right.
It worked for me, just downloading a small comic, nothing fancy required.
For those who do not catch Wired feeds, this is a neat story from Discover Magazine:
Teenager achieves nuclear fusion at home
Help! My TiVo remote is possessed!
I've been having this problem for a couple of weeks now, and it's extremely irritating. To wit: most of my TiVo buttons have stopped working properly. First, it was the select and the up and down arrow buttons -- not that they *didn't* work, but they were acting cracked. So I'd push the select button, and it'd back up to the previous page; when the up button is pressed, TiVo would act as if I'd pushed the select button. Sometimes I got the live TV when I was still trying to select out of the list. After a while, even the power button and the scroll buttons have stopped working properly. Initially, it was once in a while, and I thought my remote has gone wonky so I ordered a new one from Weakknees, and the new remote is acting exactly the same. Now, *every single button* is doing something else than what it's supposed to. And I've started getting the "grey screen" that says "please press live TV button to get to the programme" or some such.
I know it's not the batteries because I've changed them a few times. And the TiVo does go on recording the scheduled show merrily. I just can't get the machine to show it to me. Now, pulling the plug/restarting the TiVo fixed the problem for a few hours. The next day? Back to possessed!remote. I'm afraid it's not the remote, but some major problem with the hardware. Or could it be due to some wacky software upgrade? I've trawled the TiVo Community help page for hints, but couldn't find how to fix it.
Well, this is long-winded. But I need my TiVo back!! Wahh. Plus, I can't send it for servicing because I've opened the box and upgraded the hard drive.
Sounds like the problem might lie in the IR sensor on the TiVo, is my wild guess.
I was using IR for channel change before, but because it was having trouble changing channels properly, I'd switched to serial cable several weeks ago. So, not the IR.
Hmmm. I'm trying to remember if the problem started before or after I switched to serial cable. Around the same time, I think.
The sensor I'm talking about is the "eye" on the front of the TiVo -- the peanut blasts a little IR beam at the eye (which is why it works better if you aim directly at the TiVo). But the serial connector might be somehow messing up the IR eye function, so it would be quite worth it to try reconnecting!