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I checked through the all the R options but not only will the Nano not come on but when it's plugged to the computer it doesn't show up on the iTunes source list so I can't restore.
I've drained the battery before and when I plugged it in iTunes recognized it and the Nano turned on.
I've been looking on the Apple website and it looks like maybe it is the battery.
I\'ve got a php file in which I want to comment out a block of code. The code is a mix of php and html with lots of to-and-fro between the two. Is there an easy way to comment out the block?
Gawd, I'm so rusty at php...
If you start a block comment in some php and end it in some other php, will the server just ignore everything in between? Or will it still send the html to the client?
Or will it still send the html to the client?
That\'s the problem -- it still sends the html to the client.
Then I think you'd have to comment out the php and html separately. I've had to do that with ASP.
That\'s what I was afraid of. It\'s a pain because there\'s a lot of back and forth, using php echo commands within the html. Eh, I\'ll just delete the code. I have a test version that still contains it.
Well, if you're just trying to not display the html generated by the php code (and the normal html), then using html-style comment tags will work:
< h t m l >
< b o d y >
< ! - -
< ? = "hi"; ? >
< p >foo< / p >
< ? = "there" ? >
< p > asdf < / p >
- - >
< / b o d y >
< / h t m l >
[spaces added to code to get it to play nice with]
But if you're trying to comment out the php to prevent it from executing... yeah, offhand I'd say you'd have to comment separately.
Thanks, Eddie. That's better than nothing.
Got it!
To begin the "block comment" use:
< ? i f ( FALSE ) { ? >
then to end the "block comment" use:
< ? } ? >