The odd jumps to the next line seem to be caused by a div starting at that point. On most entries, the div class "apa" opens and closes, and then opens again to cause the line break. It's made fuzzier by the font size not being part of the div class.
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The guy who originally coded it is an asshole, if that matters.
Can I just strip out the whole div thing and put in ' ' spaces by hand? I'm thinking that would be easier. I can't imagine why he used a div in the first place.
The guy who originally coded it is an asshole, if that matters.
t snork
So, did he create one div class with a single number of spaces, and then use that class everywhere he needed that number of spaces?
Or did overwrite the class, and hand code a number of spaces each time? The second sounds a lot more assholeish, so I assume that is what happened.
So now I can say he's an incompetent asshole? Why don't I e-mail what to do? Profile addy good?
Yes, thank you.
Gar, I found a couple of things that might be useful:
FrontPage solution: [link]
A "software tool": [link]
Flea, insent.
Thanks Tommy. I have been in meetings all day but that sounds like it will work, and I will ask you about printing a report tied to those results as soon as I see if I can do this!
Thanks again- I did get that to work, rather nicely.