Suddenly I take back all the non-positive things I may have said about Kindle.
Okay, kidding. Hmm. What's the etymology for Kindle?
Tommy, thanks for those links. I really need to get out and play with my DSLR more. There's stuff I can do with my film camera that I can't with the N70 that I haven't worked out with my D50.
Sadly, I think my mom already ordered Kindles for me and my brother. Big, outrageous Christmas presents. And I doubt she used the link. I'll donate extra generously this year, though...
I has iphone! Buffistas from the coach. For the win.
This looks like a good deal. Is it?
Dana, what do you want to do with it?
For the price it looks good for a basic machine. E-mail, Internet, watching DVD's, etc. Since it looks to be a single processor, I would think it won't be able to multitask as well as the core duo models. But if you don't need that, why pay extra for it? Just remember to mail in the rebate.
Dana, what do you want to do with it?
Generic laptop stuff. I know we couldn't do anything advanced on it, gaming-wise, though I'm hoping with a gig of memory, we could at least run stuff that's not high-demand.
To be honest, you should be able to multitask just fine without core duo. The Duo stuff is basically marketing spin.
iPhone impressions: went away for the weekend. The battery died during that time, which wasn't that impressive. Although I did spend about 4 hours on the internet with Safari on it on the coach.
The mobile coverage in the UK was really impressive. Never had a problem getting a signal. The mail stuff is good, but I had to delete my Gmail account and recreate it manually over the weekend as it mucked up.
The map feature is excellent. I was in London, so it helped me find my way on more than one occasion.
Text messaging interface is great - it's like using instant messaging, with history.
Syncing of bookmarks, photos, music and movies - really good. It was great being able to go into bookmarks and pick up all my favourite sites on the move. Less great was having to log into everything as it fails to synchronise cookies across devices. Lack of Flash = annoying. Youtube on the go = greatness.
So, if i were looking for a basic college laptop for my child, this could be a good one?
Note that it's only available in stores, Suzi. And the rebate offer is only through 12/8.