Sophia, I purchased cheap-o $10 earphones at Best Buy. They are sony's that have a loop over the ear, so the bud rests in the ear, rather than trying to stay in. They sound fine. Especially for $10. I look at them as disposable items. They sit in my butt-bag, they get tossed about. Last thing I want to do is spend a kajillion bucks on portable ear phones that are gonna get ruined.
I mostly listen to my iPod through the car stereo and my JBL iPod speaker, though, so I haven't invested in new ones.
GC is me. 99% of the time, it's in the Transpod dock in the car, iHome dock in the bedroom, JBL speaker station in the bathroom, or connected to the laptop at work. Rarely do I listen in headphones... yet another reason to have cheap-o $10 ones.
Sophia, you can get external hard drives that plug into a USB port or firewire, and you can make the iTunes stuff live there pretty easily. That's how I have mine set up at home.
I love my blluetooth headphones. I just assumed the iPhone has bluetooth.
I've probably got enough personalization on my new Windows Vista PC that I should back up -- does anybody have a favorite program they'll recommend? Or a fairly inexpensive online solution? Unfortunately, Vista is HYUUUUUGE, and even with the minimal amount of Stuff I've added, I'm probably looking at 180 gigs for a complete backup.
Speaking of stuff and size
Has anyone used Disk Warrior for OSX? I'm seeing that it is getting better reviews than the current version of Techtool Pro 3.
I've been trying to run TP3 all day to optimize a shockingly fragmented hard drive. I had no idea things had gotten so bad. Trouble is, running TP3 in Classic keeps netting me a message that says that there is not enough "contiguous space to optimize: database."
How on earth do I create more contiguous space?
I went looking for programs I can jettison and only came up with two small games.
What I have doesn't seem like that much: Office, firefox, indesign, acrobat...that's about it for what I've added myself.
I'm running an eMac (700MHz), powerpc G4 with 1gb and OS 10.4.3
Any suggestions for what I should do to clean this puppy up?
Law Firm Uses Copyright Claim To Say You Can't View Its Website's HTML Source
"We also own all of the code, including the HTML code, and all content. As you may know, you can view the HTML code with a standard browser. We do not permit you to view such code since we consider it to be our intellectual property protected by the copyright laws. You are therefore not authorized to do so."
That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. I'd go look at their HTML code right now if I knew how to do that.
I also own my ass, and all content. As you may know, you can view my ass by looking at it. I do not permit you to view my ass since I consider it to be my intellectual property protected by the copyright laws. You are therefore not authorized to do so.
Tommy keeps his intellect in his ass, pass it on.
I looked at the site's source code and design. There's nothing anyone would want to steal.