Got a question about technology? Ask it here. Discussion of hardware, software, TiVos, multi-region DVDs, Windows, Macs, LINUX, hand-helds, iPods, anything tech related. Better than any helpdesk!
I finally get iTunes working with a network drive (bought new Mac), now my network drive is not responding. Rebooted a few times. Works for a bit. Then can't access it. Anyone have any experience with Lacie MyCloud's?
I can ping it in terminal, I can start the mount process on my desktop, it asks for log in, but then it can't connect.
Does anyone know how/if you can change a pdf into a jpeg or something else Flickr friendly? This is for the ita remembrances.
You can export a pdf as jpeg from Preview (OS X)
Hey, that worked! Thanks!
You can export a pdf as jpeg from Preview (OS X)
That's good to know! Thanks -t.
Oh man, I'm not quite qualified for that, but it sure would be fun.
How to speed up TouchID, clear RAM, and more.
25 hidden iPhone features that are really, truly hidden [link]
If you are in the gaming thread, you can see we've discovered the Steam Tabletop Simulator game. On my new MacBook Air, it heats it up something fierce! Would it be bad to grab an ice pack, and sit my laptop on that, to help cool it down?
I'm working on fixing a computer for a friend of my MIL. It's an Atom-based HP Mini and OMG is it slow. Anyhow the hard drive was shot, but I'm taking it as an opportunity to replace my laptop's drive with a SSD (I don't need a big drive in my laptop so it doesn't actually cost much) and give them that hard drive which is bigger than the one they had. But holy crap does it forever to restore the system to Windows 7. I've been really spoiled by my home desktop and work computer.