On the low end uncompressed standard definition video at 8 bit takes up 20 MB/second, so that would be 4,800 MB. What they gave you is already very compressed, but it probably isn't set up for streaming.
Quicktime is also just a wrapper, it's not an actual encoding standard, so you'll have to dig a little deeper to find out what codec was used for encoding, then you'll need to transcode it into something that is suitable. h.264 is popular and good for streaming HD video at a small file size.
They most likely gave it to you in a larger format so that you could encode it using your a preferred codec with less loss to the image. Transcoding from an already highly compressed format can leave lots of artifacts.
Unfortunately I do most of my video work on Macs so I don't have a good recommendation for software on the PC for encoding the video.
Windows live movie maker is the default video editor. Here are the settings it shows:
Width 1280 pixels
Height 720 pixels
bit rate 8000 kps
Frame rate 30fps
Which of these do I reduce?
[On Edit] My problem was not file size but account setup. However, I still had probably best have a lower res alternative to full size out there. So the question of which to cut remains. My instinct is size (width and height), but not my field.
Try Handbrake - it's free and has a Windows version.
Ask it to generate a 640x360 H.264 .mov file at 1mbps. You can also reduce the audio bitrate to get the file size down further.
If Handbrake doesn't recognize the file (which I can't determine since you don't know the codec), try MPEG Streamclip [link] It's a little less user-friendly than Handbrake but it can handle a wider variety of file types.
Does anyone have any recommendations for usability resources? Not just having users perform usability testing, but also about setting usability standards, performing IT evals, etc.
Toodledo is the first package so far to have both recurring options, so I'm going to try migrating there.
I have a very strange problem with Chrome on my MacBook Pro. Ever since I installed the last OS X update on it, Chrome has problems displaying b.org. All other sites work fine. But whenever I go to a new page on b.org, the first screen displays fine, but when I scroll down, there's a 2" gap in the browser where nothing displays. But when I do a select-all, I see the invisible text, and if I then unselect everything, the screen displays fine.
Handbrake is wonderful.
Also I had a weird problem with Chrome after the update which I fixed by deleting my cookies. Before doing that I tested my theory that that was the problem by going to the incognito window. You can do the same thing. Open an incognito window. Log in to the board. (Since you are in incognito, none of your cookies will be active and you will need to log in.) If you still have the problem at least you will not have deleted your cookies for nothing. If that fixes your problem then the permenant fix is deleting all cookies for this site.
[edit] My problem was more drastic, so I deleted all cookies, but I think some people are having trouble with cookie corruption since the latest update. But if it is only this site, that it is only this sites cookies that need deleting.
I think I'm trying remember the milk to start.
I take back what I said about the Toodledo product. It doesn't actually exist. There is a web back end, and a number of clients from various developers that work with it. I've been grabbing at a few, and it seems I like TppdleTasks well enough to pay for it on my phone while I evaluate the tablet version.
I have noticed, though, that ToodleDo having repeating tasks doesn't mean that all the clients do. This one does. I think I lost a task (at least to the non-recurring handling app I used to test it) with that experimentation. Though I would like an "other interval" option, but still. Like, I'd love an every 2 hour reminder for the headache log I'm about embark upon. Since writing an entry when I have a headache is kinda pointless.
I suspect ToodleTasks has GTD-oriented features, since the bits I don't understand smack of a methodology.t
Does anyone have any suggestions for incorporating business cards into Android's default contact manager? That would be optimal, and no, I don't want to replace contact pictures. I actually need more user features. Colin's gets changed every few months, but outside my immediate family and him, it's pretty dry.
I copy over all the info on each card I get, but it would be handy to have the image too--make me feel better about tossing the original.
Speaking of contacts--my main google accounts, where the contact info is supposed to live--fails to sync right "currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly." But all the other accounts sync fine. My Mac syncs just fine--changes seem to populate--what's the what?