Do you think it would satisfy them to know all she did was print the email messages and have a stranger verify that?
It really might.
It was just one person who tampered with her email. If it comes down to a fight, better to say you made a mistake and not get into such the kind of battle where you lose your job because you attempted to tamper with email from a client.
The other is to compel truthfulness. The notary actually has the person swear (or affirm) that the statements contained in the document are true.
That part is easy peasy enough. It's a question of whether sent Mail is generally assumed to be pretty untamperable by someone with very limited tech knowledge.
Okay, the NAS is up and running. Configuration is taking longer than it should because I, of course, am dithering about volume allocation.
I think what I'm ending up with is 3TB to replicate the 3TB Time Machine. Which is a little excessive because with the RAID it means I'll be storing those data four times, and of course the Time Machine backups themselves are multiple versions of the data. But they're the most important data.
So then 1TB for the regular workhorse backups, which are mostly office type files, instead of audio or video. And then 1TB for the media server stuff. If that works. Which I think it will.
And when I expand, then I'll spread that additional 5TB doubling the 2TB, and add the last 3TB as an additional volume on the same disk group which will serve as the long term project storage.
Now I just have to decide what to do with the existing NAS. I could still have it backing up the Windows machines, would would make the number of copies the same as for the Mac machine, but because I don't think I can use the Synology DSM to manage it, it would mean two methods of backup, stored in two different ways, which I think is asking for trouble. So I think maybe for now I'll use it as the long term project storage until I get upgraded, because that is now and will be a manual process.
Just want to confirm something. According to documentation, when I download gmail onto a pop client whether it is deleted or not is determined by gmail setting, NOT by the email client,. So if I set thunderbird to "delete" email from server immediately when I download there is no danger of actually deleting anything. But that setting will make the download work better.
If that is the way they are running their POP system then it is not running according to the POP standards.
Firefox has stopped letting me type into any boxes or the nav bar. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I can type in explorer and word, so it is not the keyboard. Any ideas?
This is kinda a stupid question. I set up both the SO's & my email accounts, plus our shared company accounts on the Pro Tools machine, because we were having tech issues with our other gear. Now I want to separate those back out, stripping it back to just the shared accounts in Mail. But I see that there's a "delete account" command, which is only visible when I'm on a subfolder of my IMAP account. It gives me a dire warning. If I delete it, will it be deleting it on the server too? I don't want to do that, just remove it from Mail.
Update. Good news. Just the pathway and original email were enough. My parents are out of that contract with no penalty. And, for what it's worth, the woman who tampered with the email is probably losing her job.
oh, awesome. That the matter is closed.
The woman needs to lose her job.
Oh, that's great, Cass. Simple and JUSTICE. The Tick would be proud.