I'm the webmaster for the New Orleans Children's Chorus, and I got an e-mail that I was inclined to dismiss as spam. I can't quite tell, though, and I just realized I've let it sit in my inbox. Anyone have any advice on how to figure it out?
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From: "Olympice2008"
To: webmaster@neworleanschildrenschorus.org
Subject: Invitation for sing Olympic in Beijing 2008
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Invitation for sing Olympic in Beijing 2008
Games of the 29th Olympic are going to be held in Beijing in the year 2008.
The Olympiad is a grand occasion not only for the people in China but also for all the people passionate for Olympic spirits throughout the world.
The Olympiad is not just for adults. As young children, we cannot compete in the Olympic fields at present; however, we hope to participate in this big event also, cheering and singing for the Olympiad.
We are going to hold a grand show --- “International Children Singing Olympic Songs” ---- in Beijing in 2008, celebrating the 29th Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
We sincerely invite your chorus to sing Olympic songs in Beijing representing your city and look forward to your acceptance of our invitation. We will be honored to send you the detailed information concerning the show.
Hope to hear from you as soon
Best wishes,
China SC Students’ Symphony Orchestra