I have a vague memory of an O'Reilly Windows book where the animal chosen for the comment seemed to be quite snarky. Does that ring a bell for anyone? I scanned their site for Windows books (the memory is old enough that it might be
Spike ,'Potential'
Buffistechnology 3: "Press Some Buttons, See What Happens."
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I have a vague memory of an O'Reilly Windows book where the animal chosen for the comment seemed to be quite snarky. Does that ring a bell for anyone?
Yeah, that rings a bell, but I can't remember what it was either.
I have a vague memory of an O'Reilly Windows book where the animal chosen for the comment seemed to be quite snarky. Does that ring a bell for anyone?
windows 95 or windows NT annoyances according to DH
Hmm. Could be that. My memory is quite aged.
The dd-wrt is up and running, and I have both static DHCP (feels like an oxymoron) and DNSMasq running. For some reason my TiVo doesn't resolve for the XP box, but does for the OSX one.
Now I'm stuck trying to get PHP on the OS X box to talk to PostgreSQL on the XP. Despite having changed the "listen_addresses" string in the Postgres configuration file, I get nada. Not sure where the error lies. Back to some drawing board or another.
The toad doesn't ring any bells for me. I think I remember seeing a cover and thinking "Oh, snap" (well, no, I didn't think that phrase nearly as easily then as I do now, but that's the gist), but I can neither remember it nor find it browsing.
-t is me.
Well, depending on whether her authentication from OS X PHP to NT PGSQL works. She's at least partly me.
I've changed an hba_conf parameter to "trust" which just strikes me as a big stinky security loophole, but if I don't trust meself, who can I trust?
I remember the title Windows Annoyances as an "oh, snap" moment when I first saw it, but the toad doesn't mean much to me one way or the other.
Has everyone heard about Google's new free in-home wireless broadband service? [link]
Howdy - -t and I decided to stop making her proxy for me
and I have both static DHCP (feels like an oxymoron)
You can call it DHCP with lease reservations if it is less dissonant for you.
For some reason my TiVo doesn't resolve for the XP box, but does for the OSX one
Sometimes windows doesn't append the domain name to host names when looking up names. You can force it to append the domain name by going to the control panel for your NIC, going to TCP/IP properties, going to Advanced, clicking the sDNS tab, and adding your domain name to the search suffixes. Or you could assign that NIC you domain name, and choose the "append primary and connection specific DNS suffixes".
Windows DNS resolver is an odd duck, especially if you are using netbios (which you do not need, btw, unless you have windows machines using win95/98). By default, it tries to resolve names with netbios first (if all it has is a name, and no domain name appended), and by the time it is done trying to do that, the application may have timed out before it even has a chance to try DNS. By disabling netbios, it'll go straight to DNS, and hopefully append the domain name.
WRT the PHP on OSX talking to PostgreSQL on XP, make sure XP's firewall isn't blocking the PostgreSQL listener port. You may need to make an exception for PostGresQL to allow access (it uses tcp port 5432 by default, iirc). That could be it.
OK - just wanted to offer some pennies. You can ping me in email if you want to bounce something off of me.