Hey! I just discovered that Radio Shack has the Cyclops for $10 less than Virgin's website price ($70 vs. $80). As I haven't been outside all day, it's the perfect opportunity to take a walk and see if my local franchisee has it in stock!
Buffistechnology 3: "Press Some Buttons, See What Happens."
Got a question about technology? Ask it here. Discussion of hardware, software, TiVos, multi-region DVDs, Windows, Macs, LINUX, hand-helds, iPods, anything tech related. Better than any helpdesk!
I got the phone!
tommyrot -- insent. I want to give you a referral but need your mobile phone number.
Received and entered. Let me know if it gets you anything.
Let me know if it gets you anything.
I'm hoping for fudge.
Just got this email:
You’ve just earned a $10 Kickbacks airtime bonus for referring a friend to Virgin Mobile!
You can see who it was by logging into My Kickbacks.
And remember, we’ll double the bonus to $20 for each additional friend you refer this calendar year — earn up to $230 for the calendar year!
So keep up the good work and keep earning those Kickbacks!
Thanks, bye.
Virgin Mobile.
In case anyone's been dying for an update on amych "Buffistechnology 3: "Press Some Buttons, See What Happens."" Mar 28, 2007 5:25:57 pm PDT, I ended up using a different upgrade site (MFSLive instead of upgrade-instructions, which I found thanks to Theo's link to tivocommunity), and my increasingly skipping-and-glitching 40-hour TiVo is now a shiny new 237-hour monster. w00t!!1!
Glad I could help, tommyrot!
amych -- If you haven't the activated the TiVo service yet, be sure and put in a referral for Theo so she'll get the points.
(I'm mister referral today!)
It's been activated for years now -- this was just a hard drive upgrade. But it's an excellent point.
Pedometers. I'm so confuzzled by the options in pedometers.
Has anyone had experience with or advice regarding, the Nike/Nano pedometer technology?
I do not want the Nike shoes (bought New Balance) and am looking for a workaround to use the pedo-dewhickey but am not sure how to secure it to the shoe and if it will work that way.
I'd also like to get feedback on the accuracy of this device OR a recommendation for something better.
Also, I'm curious about the possibility of downloading audiobooks to the nano and if that sucks up more or less or equal memory than music.
Thanking you in adance! t /Discworld