An Inconvenient Ice Shelf
TORONTO (AP) -- A giant ice shelf has snapped free from an island south of the North Pole, scientists said Thursday, citing climate change as a ''major'' reason for the event.
The Ayles Ice Shelf -- all 41 square miles of it -- broke clear 16 months ago from the coast of Ellesmere Island, about 500 miles south of the North Pole in the Canadian Arctic.
OK, my parents haven't named their roomba, but far too many descriptions in this article were familiar. When the roomba returns to base and starts doing its creepy-pulsing light recharge thing, my dad says it is nursing. Which is very Alien-esque.
Okay, we didn't get to go home early, but we just got hearty bonus checks.
Comparatively, I think this is the better way. WOOT!
Woot! Steph.
I got out with an hour to spare, right after I sent my co-worker home. Then I went to the mall to return some gifts that didn't fit and it was busier than before Xmas. But I did get a pair of flannel pajama bottoms with pockets in them. I may never wear another pair of pants.
So far today, I have read fic, pimped Wonderfalls to one of the associates, and read some more fic.
It's nice to be useful.
Ooooh, I can leave early and go WATCH Wonderfalls (and I have a feeling Lee had a small hand in that blessing).
Almost outta here.....
I have to work tomorrow. But I was all confused by the work posts today - because no one seems to be working at all in my neighborhood .
I would rather have had a bonus than 2.5 hours off, I tell you what.
So, why does Wonderfalls show up on LOGO TV ( For those with out this channels LOGO is the LGBT tv station).