if your part in the DOS is simply downloading their largest file repeatedly
It’s still a DOS attack. You’re not just using the site normally, you’re trying to make it unavailable to others. It seems worth noting that DOS attacks tend to affect innocent bystanders. Odds are that the server they’re trying to overload hosts other websites, too.
I’m pretty sure that most ISP’s explicitly describe that sort of thing as a breach of their terms of service.
It's not that much different from an organized boycott of a company that expresses ideas you strongly disagree with.
It’s completely different. In a boycott you don’t go into the store, stand in the aisles, hide the merchandise, and otherwise try to prevent anyone else from shopping there. A picket line can’t actively block all traffic.
Having a marketplace of ideas means that there are more than few worthless ideas are out there.
11 years on Capitol Hill has ground me down to a head-shaking paste when it comes to dealing with the tourons. I could say I've gone all buddist-loving-kindness but the fact is, around here there is no point in fighting it. There is no 'off-season' in this town. And I've chosen to live a few blocks from the epicenter of all things gawky. It's my own damn fault.
Is this a DOS attack on Phelps' website? Is there anyone who doesn't think he is a nutcase? I guess I don't see what the point is.
Don't get me started ranting about people who stand in the middle of the aisle on the subway cars, blocking access to and from the doors, and ignoring the perfectly good open seats that could hold their useless carcasses.
New Yorkers aren't rude, Tourists are slow.
Heh. After a week using the Tube in London, DH and I were dodging tourists like natives. The weeks studying the tube lines on their website so we knew how to get to all our planned destinations payed off, big time.
When was the last time you had fun on New Year's Eve?
Does being asleep count as fun?
I'm not a NYE person. Comes from growing up in Pasadena, I guess.
I grew up cursing the Damn Students every fall when the new groups showed up to wander four abreast through my grocery store, so I was well primed to curse the Damn Tourists who meander in front of me every day here. I've decided that walking slow isn't so bad, but the meandering KILLS ME. You can't get by them!
Ugh. Biggest peeve for me is the five or so asswipes who charge into the subway car as soon as the doors open.
The people on the train get to leave, and THEN you can enter. Jerks.
See also: Elevators
Or people who stand at the bottom (or top) of the escalator, trying to get their bearings. We get to push those people down and trample them, right? That's the law, right?
I hate the people who try to enter the subway first, and then act all indignant when other people bump into them, as if the other people were the ones being rude.