am at work. have nothing to do as I know jack nothing about current projects.
only a few mac tears this morning, apparently grandparents are good mom substitutes.
Oh, and my toilet is broken again. parentals are dealing with that today.
ok, I have approx a brazillion personal things to take care of.
Sue, I like Eat More bars. Now I want one! I haven't had one in yonks.
Toilet-ma for msbelle! and ((((mac)))).
I am so sorry I started the toilet terror!
Work. Hmph. A few things fell through cracks. My fault. Whoopsie. But I'm torn with not giving a shit.
I have keyboard confusion. Apparently, I got used to my parents' craptastic one and now can't type for shit on work or laptop. Annoying.
Toilet Terror vs. Toilet~ma. Which will win?
I have even less work to do today than I did yesterday. Good lord.
Somebody here in Chicago stole $50,000 worth of frozen broccoli.
Sometimes I get a craving for greens, man. It's a vegaddiction! I'm not proud of what it makes me do.
I had a cat who'd hunt broccoli. And then growl while eating it. She was odd.
Happy birthday, quester!
Of course you deserve it, Sail!
I think it's probably a good idea for mac to practice with away from mom, separate from first day of school. But still! Little noodle.
I have actual work to do. I keep waiting for the will to do it....
I have 2 meetings today that just got scheduled. grr.
I haven't even started my personal work yet.
Kat, you clearly missed my bitching about being at work yesterday. IOW, yes, I am home.
okay guilty of skipping. But there were 500 messages!
Did Almaty used to be known as Alma Ata? That's one of the few places where apple trees grow wild (they're supposed to have first been cultivated there) and the name of the place means "Mother of Apples". This may be all that I know about Kazahkstan.
Yep! Still is Alma Ata on some maps. The apples there were a big trading thing during the 600-800s along the Silk Road.
Uzbekistan is also lovely. There's a great mosque there that is a UNESCO World heritage site.
msbelle, sorry about the tears at all but even more sorry about the meetings.