Ford, Pinochet, and the Turkmenistan dude would be a political threesome.
Good one, good one.
People here listen to Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me, right? Did you hear their little tribute to the Father of All Turkmen? As soon as I heard he had died, I was yelling, "No makeup on TV news anchors! Holiday for melon!!" and etc, various facts I learned about him on Wait Wait.
Especially funny Dinosaur Comics: [link]
Geek Entertainment TV's answer to Justin Timberlake -- Boobs in a box
People here listen to Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me, right?
If not for TDS and Wait Wait my kids wouldn't know what was happening in the world.
Hey fellow CI fans -- memberships are 50% off if you sign up by Dec 31.
If not for TDS and Wait Wait my kids wouldn't know what was happening in the world.
Heh -- me too. Oh, except I have You People, too.
In a few more minutes, I can eat lunch, and then maybe something will happen on the internets while I'm gone.
Old SNL sketch with "Tom Brokaw" announcing the death of Gerald Ford. In no way eerily prophetic, but funny as hell.
Chevy Chase did a brilliant Ford. The falling down the stairs and golf accidents. Too funny.