My thetical (and oh-so-impractical) society doesn't have any intersecting values placed on anything. Nothing is ever exchanged.
Update to ita's file, sub-tab "Self-Sufficiency Fetish"
Mmmm, a whole economy based on thievery. Can you make it work, or would you need patsies honest people?
Well it's got to be a chocolate Jesus
Make me feel good inside
Got to be a chocolate Jesus
Keep me satisfied
I see that Bush wants to expand the military.
This seems nuts to me. Our military spending is equal to combined military budgets of the rest of the world. If that is insufficient for fighting people armed with small arms, RPGs, and improvised explosives; then the strategy is wrong.
If they value a $20 gift card at $25, it is my capitalist duty to relieve them of that extra $5 toot sweet, and as many times as I can sucker them into doing it.
They're not suckers if that's honestly what they want, are they? If I can't get a $20 gift card for $20, and I NEED a gift card, what are the alternatives?
You might decide I don't need a gift card, but that's not your call. It's mine.
They're not suckers if that's honestly what they want, are they? If I can't get a $20 gift card for $20, and I NEED a gift card, what are the alternatives?
They were current Starbucks gift cards, bid on by people inside the continental US. It's possible they all were bed-ridden multi-plegics in rural Kansas, desperate for some high-class Joe and willing to buy Starbucks beans online for their monkey assistants to grind up and turn into breakfast, but.... Occam's Razor says stupid people.
Rattlesnakes have also been documented to give virgin birth. Holy snakelets, Batman!
I so read "RPG" as Role-playing Game. Somehow I wish that was what we paid for, but imagine my puzzlement.Possibly, competitveness made the bidders stupid...I've come close, myself.
They were current Starbucks gift cards, bid on by people inside the continental US.
No fair keeping secrets. How was I supposed to know what I was arguing for or against?
I so read "RPG" as Role-playing Game. Somehow I wish that was what we paid for, but imagine my puzzlement.
We should probably keep them separate. A Rocked-Propelled Game or a Role-Playing Grenade might not be the best ideas....
No, I don't think so...
Aw, crap, I'd never have made it as CJ Cregg after all.
It's possible they all were bed-ridden multi-plegics in rural Kansas, desperate for some high-class Joe and willing to buy Starbucks beans online for their monkey assistants to grind up and turn into breakfast, but.... Occam's Razor says stupid people.
EVEN THEN, they could have gone to and paid face value.
If it's a store without a website or a phone number, then maybe paying more than face value on eBay isn't stupid. Maybe.