Now there's a story I need more details on. WHY were they hanging out together? Were they making out in that "sorority girls attracting the straight boys" way, or are they actually like, hot for each other? WTF??
I'm guessing the first one. You know they live together, with Miss Universe, in Trump Tower? The other thing is that Miss USA is 20 and Miss Teen USA is 18, so it's not like it's molestation.
What, like all the title holders have to move away from home and live with The Donald for a year? shudder
They all LIVE together? OMG, I'm shocked more porn hasn't already been written about this. Jeeeeez.
I remembered to try that Matt Damon link this morning. Very funny.
Sherlock Holmes Vs. Cthulhu!
James Bond Vs. Cthulhu
I'm holding out for Remington Steel vs. Cthulhu.
What, like all the title holders have to move away from home and live with The Donald for a year? shudder
They all LIVE together? OMG, I'm shocked more porn hasn't already been written about this. Jeeeeez.
Well, thing one is that they're probably out of town a lot. Thing two is that The Donald lives somewhere else, I'm sure. But yes, and yes. The Donald owns the pageants, The Donald owns the girls. I'm sure the Trump apartment is way nicer than they could afford on their own, anyway.
I'm a huge fan of the Melitta cone -- cheaper than a French press, and without the grittiness factor.
This pretty much kept me alive when Ben was an infant.
Oh, just fucking ugh.
Remind me why I'm against vigilante justice, please. I know I am, but I just blacked out, when I tried to remember on my own.
We were watching the news last night (by accident; I don't actually allow myself to watch it much, because I get to het up), and there was a story about a local home invasion. [link]
A man broke into a house, and held a mother and her nine month old baby at knifepoint. The woman and her baby had been sleeping in her bed (I think it was the middle of the night). Somehow, the woman managed to call 911. The newscast played a recording of the call (which mostly amounted to screams, and pleas, but it was enough for the police to arrive, save the woman and her baby, and catch the man).
At the indictment hearing, they were playing (or had played) the 911 recording, and the woman's father just freaked and attacked the man, right in open court. He was, of course, arrested, and so much of me kept thinking, "Why?"
I mean, I know why. I know. I know. I know. But some things push my buttons, and I mostly want to buy that father/grandfather a beer and say, "Good show, Papa," even though I know he made the wrong choice.
It's 16 degrees here, with windgusts up to 40 mph. Brr.
I saw that on the news yesterday. I really hope that they go easy on the father/grandfather. He made the wrong choice, but after being played that 911 tape by reporters, it is almost understandable.
so tired omg. The night before a six-hour drive is just the best time to have insomnia.
I'm getting a small holiday bonus in my next paycheck, but the sad part is that right now I'm too tired to care.