Oh Aurelia, that totally blows.
God, my sleep pattern is fucked.
ita, welcome to my world. I'm asleep at 8 and up at 3 or 4 AM. WTF?! But I just got the happiest news so I'm quietly bouncing in my seat. and I'm realizing I have one more semester of course work and my thesis and I will be done done done with my masters.
Granted, I've done little to no work on my thesis. I'm waiting for my second (or perhaps tertiary) wind to kick in to carry me along.
Tertiary wind. Yes, that would be helpful. Yay for seeing the end in sight on the Masters.
I bought myself a new coffee pot. One of these [link] things. (That model, but half that price) I haven't tried all of the features, but it did start up with the brewing at 6 this morning. Mmmm coffee.
I need a new coffeepot. Mine keeps throwing up all over the counter.
We need a new one, too. This one isn't very old, but the pause-n-serve function broke, yet we didn't stop taking the pot out during brewing because darn it, we bought a pause-n-serve for a reason.
My thermal carafe has seen better days, too. I might buy one of those models where the coffee pot is a thermal carafe.
Laura, I love the one you bought. I don't really have the counter space for it, though.
Laura, that's super cool and fancy! Very nice.
the pause-n-serve function broke, yet we didn't stop taking the pot out during brewing because darn it, we bought a pause-n-serve for a reason.
You know, I admire that kind of dedicated vision.
The basket on mine wasn't staying closed so it would swing open and a big mess would happen, often. I had it tied closed with a twist tie for a time. This one was the only one I found that you could program and had the espresso option. And wasn't huge, and only $78, which a crazy amount for a coffee pot, but really I am worth it.
I need a new coffeepot. Mine keeps throwing up all over the counter.
A new coffee pot or an exorcist.
Laura, that's one sexy coffee maker!